Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Lean Green Health Machine

Kale n' Carrot Fruit Smoothie (recipe below)
People make fun of those who eat healthy.  It's a fact.  They don't understand: "but how can you live without meat?", "doesn't grease taste sooo good though?", and "ew. veggies".  Well, that's because they've never had anything that tastes good, and is healthy.

Smoothies are the go-to feel-good-but-still-remind-you-of-a-milkshake drink.  Usually, they are horrible for you.  Tons of fruit juice with added sugar, fatty yogurt, and, of course, more sugar.

Yogurt doesn't have to be the main component of smoothies.  In fact, it doesn't have to be an ingredient at all.  Cut the yoghurt and ice, add some kale and other veggies, and what you're left with is an incredibly nutritious breakfast.  Hell, kale tastes good with long as you know what to do with it.  


You can start preparation the night before, by chopping up any fruit you want, throwing it into a bowl, putting it in the freezer.  Overnight, the water particles within the fruit will freeze, making it unnecessary to add ice in the final smoothie.  I've found that adding ice makes the consistency a lot more watery and sloshy, instead of a semi-thick consistency.

Kale n' Carrot Fruit Smoothie

1.5 cups of frozen fruit
1 cup fruit juice (any no sugar added, all fruit-juice will do)
1-2 carrots (per preference)
2-3 leaves kale (per preference)
1 banana
extra fruit

Add all of the ingredients into the blender, and blend!  It's as easy as that!  If you want a more green color, add more kale.  As long as you have a good amount of fruit in the smoothie, the kale taste won't come through.  Also, if there is any other fruit you want to add in or supplement, anything will do.  My main suggestion is use frozen fruit, not ice.  It just never tastes the same.

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