"Yeah, only if you want to die." Well, die a little bit inside, I suppose. These runs are truly brutal. 100 miles running around some obscure countryside with only a few other crazy people. Whatever food you eat tastes horrible, since it is specially concocted for your low energy. Water does not taste like water anymore; it is more of a slime moving down the back of your throat as you gasp for air. And your legs! For God's sake, your legs fall off!
Well, not entirely. They hurt, yeah, like hell. At least that is what everyone says. On the other hand, ultramarathons usually take place in the world's most stunning places. Ambling over mountaintops, slopping beside lakes, and watching the night stars twinkle in and out of existence seem to make it all worth the run. The food isn't too bad, either, according to runner Michael Arnstein, who recently finished 16th overall in the Badwater Ultramarathon in 120 degree heat.
And get this: all he eats is fruit. After all, he is "The Fruitarian".
Now try running over twenty back-breaking races a year without even complaining. That is what Michael does, and then vlogs about it. So if you think running 100 miles is hard, it is — don't get me wrong. But this guy does an race of some kind almost every weekend and only eats fruit. Now this is my kind of hero. While I really want to follow in his footsteps, baby steps are required first. Very small, incremental miles, baby steps.
Fruit is amazing running, and all I have to say is it makes you feel 200% better physically and internally with just 0% of the processing of modern-day food. Keep that in mind, aspiring runners.
Have fun on your next run! Remember: anything run is better than what this guy is doing. I sure know I will be thinking that.
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